The OCS Program includes two separate lines of services for families referred by DHS. The Comprehensive Home -Based Services (CHBS) and the Parent Aide Services (PAS). These are home-based services, provided by EOYS in 22 counties. Although the services are unique from one another and are typically determined by the particular needs of the family, both CHBS and PAS have the primary goals of preventing child abuse and /or neglect.
The services include such things as:
Family Assessment
Treatment Planning
Parenting Skills Education
Child Healthcare Education Planning
Home Safety & Cleanliness Training
Safety Planning & Risk Assessment
Motivational Interviewing
Problem Solving
Case Management
Referrals to Community Services
Domestic Violence Education
Relapse Prevention Education
Sexual Abuse Education
Family Budgeting
EOYS collaborated with OU Health Science Center and Oklahoma Department of Human Services to provide SafeCare, an evidence– based home visitation program that has been shown to reduce child maltreatment among families with a history for maltreatment or with risk factors for maltreatment.
SafeCare is designed to prevent neglect and abuse and improve health, development, and welfare of children. It is a home visitation- based parent training program. Local staff learn to teach parents who are at risk for neglect how to have positive parent — child and parent – infant interactions, keep homes safe and improve child health.